Thursday, August 29, 2013

Number 2

Yep - thats right. We're pregnant again! We are finally here now, Officially calling it a pregnancy and not a 'if this is a pregnancy'. YAY!! Three cheers to us!! Mango is going to be a big brother! 

When we first found out, it was quite weird. Me and hubby had already discussed that we were going to do testing to check out in this bub have a chromosome abnormality or not. So, when we did find out - We knew what direction to go in.

At 7 weeks we were booked in for an ultrasound to determine how far along in the pregnancy I was, so we could book a date for a CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling). In English - It means to take a piece of the placenta, test it and culture it so all the chromosomes can grow and test that again. Don't worry. you don't need to feel stupid. You should have seen the look on my face when the genetics councillor said CVS. I didn't know which question to ask first. What is a CVS? Who is a CVS? Let's not get started on what a fool I made myself out to be.
At 13 weeks, our CVS was performed. I had done a tiny bit of research about what a CVS was and it seemed like a very basic procedure. All the 'experiences' I had read were very good ones saying that it didn't really hurt and that they went back to normal routine within a few days. LIIIIIEEEESSS!!!!

I didn't mean to be that dramatic.

It was a painful procedure. I have to admit that. The needle sticking inside my belly and pushing and pulling to suck up a bit of placenta. Gross and painful. I remember the Doctor telling me to try and not tense. How do I NOT tense my body when a needle is stuck in a belly and keeps poking away at my placenta. Please tell me. Thats right. You can't. You just stay as still as you can and hope that you survive the next few minutes without wrenching that needles out yourself. The End.

The waiting period was definitely like waiting a thousand years. We waited and we waited. Every time a private number would call, I practically screamed hello as I picked up the phone. Probably, wasn't even fast enough picking up the phone and Im pretty sure most of what they heard was the end of hello 'OO O O O oo' .
When 2 weeks and 1 day finally arrived. I couldn't wait any longer and called our geneticist. Receptionist told us that results weren't in. The sound of my despair probably made her feel bad so she told me she would get the geneticist to call the lab and call me by the afternoon.

Afternoon came and I received a call from our geneticist. For some reason My heart dropped as I picked up the phone call. 'GOOD NEWS' she announced. I don't know why I was thrilled by this point but all I could say was 'which part of it is good news?'. Im very pessimistic aren't I. I think I see that now. But all of it was good news and I didn't know how to feel. I still don't. We are very excited to have a new edition to the family. Giving Mango a sibling will also hopefully help him in his development. No longer a new couple with a baby. Somehow 4 feels like a family.

*few tears of joy*

Thank you for sharing this happy time with us.

Please keep us in your prayers!

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