Hello all! So I've been looking around for some inspiration. I found lots but one thing in particular that I happened to stumble across was a comment from a mother trying to get her a special needs bed for her daughter and the government/hospital or who ever the staff was, gave her a hard time about getting it and called her a bad mother.
My blood is boiling slowly for this dear mother. Let me start off by saying that this behaviour from professional staff is absolute disgusting. How dare someone call a mother bad. A parents of a special needs child is a warrior. When we request, we request not for us but for our children.
We don't spend most of our days in hospitals, whether its for an appointment or an emergency for our own well being. We do it for ours kids. We sacrifice our time making sure our little ones have everything they need and everything that makes them comfortable.
I'm not saying that we are better than other parents. I know for a fact that all parents do their best for their kids. Special needs children just need that extra care, extra time and the extra effort. So while mothers take their children to gym so they can learn how climb a ladder or jump on a trampoline, we take our children to Physio therapy or OT so they can learn that they have muscles, hands and feet and that we use these to touch or hold.
So back to the point about the mother fighting for her child to have a secure bed a night. How could someone call a mother who had spent more time taking care of her baby and requesting something for her own child's safety be seen as a bad mother. I just don't get it.
I understand that feeling very similar to the look that a few doctors gave me when I was asking them a questions about Mango as if to think I was overreacting. Yes, I understand I am a first time mum but I do have experience. I had the honour of baby sitting a lot for my sister and I got to know those children pretty damn well. I knew the look they had when they were sick or upto something and so on. Same thing with my son, except that its easier because I have that mother instinct that god has given me in my gut to send me messages on things that I should probably do for him.
I might not have all the experience in the world but the thing is I'm not claiming too. We mothers parents just appreciate being listened to and understood nicely, instead of thinking that we are just over reacting or paranoid. Am I not right?
Well... That was a bit of a rant in the end. Thanks for finishing though. Xxx