Thursday, February 21, 2013

Not Alone (still trying to believe everyday)

After several months of doing it alone, with no one I knew who were going through the same things my family was going through, I finally pulled my socks up, took my courage and gave it a good shake. I needed to find people, HUMANS!!! I wanted to find people with experience. It didn't matter if the child had the same chromosome disorder, a different one or didnt have any chromosome disorder just a small delay. I didn't care. I just wanted to meet special needs parents and listen to their special needs experience. I felt so helpless. 

How is it that I sit around all day, praying and exercising Mango so he can learn to look at things, lift his head up and bring his hands to his mouth and yet after months he still cant do it.

Back to the point, that is a totally different post. I finally signed up for the Unique support group. I found play groups for special need parents and what ever else I could find. I was desperate even if it meant I had to go door knocking. 

UNIQUE is a support group for special needs parents with children or family who have rare chromosome disorders. They were so wonderful. We emailed back and forth and then I joined their facebook network cafe (closed group). There, I didn't meet parents who had the same disorder as my son but I met parents going through the exact same thing I was going through. From sleepless nights to hypotonia and feeding issues. Everyone, regardless of race, religion, country or colour we were all united but one thing... our loved ones needs. Parents with adult children who have been diagnosed and new parents who jut found out early or late. 

So for all parents out there whose children are special needs.. mild or severe, you are not alone. You might feel alone, like I did and I sometimes still do but your not. There are people out there, maybe worse or maybe not so severe at all but We are all united by one thing. Our UNIQUE children.  

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