Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Mango had an recently had an MRI for his brain. Can you have an MRI for other parts of your body because if you can, I certainly didn't know that. The surgeons would be like 'Do you know where the MRI will be done?' - I would pretty much be like 'heh?! His brain, no?'. I sat on the hospital bed, holding Mango and watched my little boy smile and try and talk to me while the surgeons put the gas mask around his mouth and nose. He was talking happily and watching him slowly fall asleep felt like I was letting him go. We gazed into each others eyes until he slowly drifted away and the whole time all I could see were complete trust that my baby had for me. I somehow felt as if I was betraying him. My heart was breaking, becoming whole and breaking all over again countless times. In a split moment I visualised my son slipping away from me rather than just falling asleep. I gulped down the biggest rock that was stuck in the throat. Next thing I knew I was being showed the exit to wait in a waiting room where many other anxious parents were waiting. Being around anxious parents pacing up and down and everyone trying to put on a brave face - was a lot of help. Ehh.. Who am I kidding. I was ready to have a panic attack run around the corridors screaming 'GIVE ME MY BABY BACK!'. 

Thank you Allah for my husband. 

He took me for a walk and coffee to calm the nerves. All while the image of Mango staring at me until he fell asleep in my arms. I have to admit, I have never drank coffee faster than I did that day. I just wanted to get back, walk up and down the hallways and wait for a nurse to call me in. An hour later, the anaesthetists we spoke to before the MRI came to let us know all went well and that they were just going to give him a few minutes to wake up. About 5 minutes later I heard a loud screeching cry coming from inside the ward. I knew straight away it was Mango because he has that hold-you-breath-and-scream type of cry. A nurse called me in to calm him down which I happily did. After 2 hours in recovery, we were allowed to go home. I don't think I could ever do that again...

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